As we are all thinking of Spring and anxiously awaiting getting outside it's time for our annual Leben's Flower & Gift Card Fundraiser! This makes for great Mother's Day gifts as well as getting your Spring & Summer flowers ordered now!
MARCH - The Club will communicate and provide ordering information. All information is provided below on this web page.
APRIL 9th, 2023 - ORDER DEADLINE! All orders must be in
MAY 11th & 12th, 2023 - FLOWER PICK UP! All customers and/or players can pick up their orders at the Lakes United FC Training Facility in Lindstrom. Payment must be made at the time of pick up and checks can be made out to "Lakes United FC" or "LUFC".
The annual Lakes United Flower Fundraiser is an important part of providing the opportunity to play soccer for those that may have financial hardship, as well as helping ALL of our members with reducing registration costs. Funds raised through these efforts go towards the following:
- Financial Aid Program - Each year the LUFC Board sets it's budget to include a certain amount of funds set aside to help those with financial hardship play soccer.
- General Fund/Training Facilities - Through fundraising efforts we are able to utilize the funds and help keep the cost of registration lower by "earmarking" these funds for facilities. Specifically, indoor winter training facilities.
- General Fund/Equipment Maintenance & purchases - Every year the Club has equipment costs including purchasing new equipment to replace older items and the maintenance that goes along with that.
Your support and efforts in this fundraiser directly benefit ALL of our members with Lakes United FC. We appreciate your involvement and support of Lakes United!
There will be a prize for the top performing team this year!! The top performing team is the TEAM that sells the most ITEMS as a ratio of items per player. We must use a ratio due to the different roster sizes at various ages.
TOP PERFORMING TEAM - 1 tournament team fee reimbursement
2nd PLACE TEAM - Pizza Party
Once you (the player/member) have your orders ready you will put each order in the Google Form. For example, if you have 10 orders for 10 separate individuals (parents, grandparents, friends, etc...) you complete the Google Form FOR EACH ONE OF THEM so that when they (or you) come for pick up there is an efficient way to organize the pick up process. If you are a Rec Member or General Supporter you will complete the form with just your info.
The form is laid out in the order of the attached flower information sheet.
You MUST include/provide the following information:
- PLAYER NAME (not customer name)
- COMPETITIVE TEAM NAME (or "Rec Soccer", "General Supporter")
- U10 boys, U14 girls, U17 girls, Rec Soccer, or General Supporter, etc...)
- NOTE: If you are a Rec player/member or General Supporter please choose accordingly (“Rec Soccer”, or “General Supporter!”)
- CONTACT Name (in case of questions on order)
- CONTACT Phone Number
- CUSTOMER Name (Who's Purchasing, needed for when they pick up)
- CUSTOMER Contact Phone Number
Again, as you fill out the quantities the form follows the attached flower sheet as you work down the list.
Once you finish & submit the Google Form you will receive an email confirmation with the flower quantity & type ordered. YOU MUST KEEP THIS EMAIL FOR REFERENCE & PICK UP! Check your SPAM/JUNK folder if you don’t see it!
We appreciate your participation in this important fundraiser supporting Lakes United! If you have any questions you can email admin@lakesunitedfc.org